Correctly and efficiently run club finances are an essential part of a successful club.  The Treasurer's (Finance Director's) role is critical in ensuring a club is properly governed financially, meets its statutory reporting obligations and has a well informed and updated management team.

It is not essential for a Treasurer to be, or have been, an accountant. All that is required is diligence, adherence to the advice contained in this document, and the willingness to ask questions if ever there is any doubt.
My Rotary has a list of resources for the role of Treasurer for you to consult (See My Rotary - Role of Treasurer). The Guide For Club Treasurers handbook also included in this section is an older document but it is a very useful document for you to refer to. The document Lead Your Club Treasurer Guide 2016-2019 contains some dated information, but also contains a great deal of useful information which has not dated, and can still be used as a reference.
You can also take online courses for club treasurer in the Learning Center releted to your role.