PHF Recognition
The presentation of a Paul Harris Fellow recognition is always an occasion for public attention. It recognises that a gift of US$1,000 will fund projects and programmes to improve and invigorate the lives of people around the world and enhance international friendship and understanding.
The presentation should be made publicly so that Rotarians will realise what their Foundation is doing and how it is supported. A Club meeting, a District Conference or during the visit of the District Governor are all appropriate occasions for such an event.
The presentation of Paul Harris Fellow recognition is The Rotary Foundation's way of expressing its appreciation for a substantial contribution to its humanitarian and educational programmes. It is named after Rotary's founder, a Chicago lawyer who started our organisation with three business associates.
A world of peace and good will comes closer to reality today as ...(Name)... becomes a Paul Harris Fellow. His/Her gift to The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International can carry out an array of programmes that achieve beneficial changes in our world: improved living conditions, increased food production, better education, wider availability of treatment and rehabilitation for the sick and disabled, new channels for the flow of international understanding, and bright hopes for peace.
In becoming a Paul Harris Fellow, ...(Name)... joins a remarkable company of persons throughout the world, all recognised for their devotion to the ideal of goodwill, peace and understanding. It is the goal of Rotarians the world over, and one that ...(Name)... clearly shares.
It gives me real pleasure ...(Name)... to present you the three emblems of appreciation given to Paul Harris Fellows - certificate, medallion and pin. We congratulate you, and we thank you for your commitment to the programmes of The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International.