You can do it
The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) mainly deals with issues that are covered by the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act). The Privacy Act is a federal law which does not cover local, state or territory government agencies, except the Norfolk Island administration.
If your inquiry or complaint is about a New South Wales (NSW), public sector agency, including a local council, please contact the NSW Information and Privacy Commission using the links below.
New South Wales
The NSW Information and Privacy Commission administers the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW) and Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (NSW).
In NSW private sector health service providers must comply with both Australian and state or territory privacy laws when handling health information.
Rotary & Privacy
The Privacy Act 1988 (Federal) imposes the need to keep private membership records and the details that people give us. This includes information provided in relation to youth exchange, prospective members, and community groups.
The Act says you CAN keep records and use them for the purpose for which the information was given - you just cannot misuse the information. This Act is the most relevant one for Rotary Clubs.
Posted 17th September 2021