Invitation to Apply

Rotary District 9685 Rotary Global Grant Scholarship in 2024
Invitation to a young person interested in international postgraduate study to apply for a Rotary District 9685 Global Grant Scholarship.
The purpose of the Global Grant Scholarship program is to support international study at post graduate level.
Scholarship Information
Applications are invited from candidates who work or live within District 9685. The scholarship is awarded through a globally competitive process. Relevant details include:
- The scholarship will be for an amount from US$30,000.
- The scholarship must be aligned to one or more Rotary’s seven areas of focus.
- The Scholarship must be for overseas study at a post-graduate level at a recognised university or institution.
- The Scholar must provide confirmation of admission to his/her selected university or institution.
- The period of study may be used to contribute towards gaining a higher degree or qualification.
- The applicant must be proficient in the language of instruction of the host country.
During the course of study Scholars are expected to interact with local Rotarians and Rotary clubs and should always be mindful that they serve in the role of ambassadors of District 9685 and Rotary to the community where they will be studying.
Applicant Eligibility
(Full details are in the download information)
We are seeking candidates with the following attributes:
- A proven record of success in his/her academic field or vocation.
- Commitment to a career in one of Rotary’s seven areas of focus.
- Demonstrated personal commitment to community service.
- Personal qualities to be a good ambassador for Rotary and Australia.
- Excellent leadership skills and potential.
- Well-defined and realistic goals.
- Concrete ideas for advancing within his/her chosen field.
- Commitment to participate in Rotary activities.
- Sincerity about maintaining a lifelong relationship with Rotary after the scholarship period.
The Applicant cannot be: (1) a Rotarian; (2) an employee of a club, district, or other Rotary entity, or of Rotary International; (3) the spouse, a lineal descendant (child or grandchild by blood or stepchild, legally adopted or not), the spouse of a lineal descendant, or an ancestor (parent or grandparent by blood) of any person in the foregoing two categories.
Scholarship Application Process & Timeline
Scholar Applicants must be sponsored by a Rotary Club in District 9685. Applications forms are available online and should be submitted to the local Rotary Club in January – March . The Clubs will assess the applicant’s suitability based on interview, the completed application form and referees’ reports. Nominations from the Rotary Clubs must be forwarded to the District 9685 Scholarship Committee by 31st March 2024. District interviews and selection will be held in April . The selected candidate and his/her Sponsor Clubs will be notified of the District 9685 decision in May . The Districts Scholarship Committee will proceed with the on-line grant application process of The Rotary Foundation together with the selected Applicant in May . Please note that the final decision in the selection of the District 9685 Global Grant Scholar is by The Rotary Foundation. An early decision is expected to allow the student to depart at the beginning of August .
Closing Date for Applications
Applications must be received by 31st March 2024 by Pam Pritchard, Chair of District 9685 Global Grant Scholar Committee at Email:
District 9685 Global Grant Scholarship Application 2024