Logging in
Find out your logon credentials
Go to the home page of this District Website, www.rotarydistrict9685.org.au Click on the “Login” menu item, located on the top right hand side of the homepage.
Click on the “... Retrieve Login ...” link
This will take you to the “Retrieve Login Information” screen. Select your Club, enter your last name and your email address and click on “Submit”. \ When you have successfully entered the above information you will receive an email with your login credentials.
Please note that the last name and email address you provide must match what is on record for security purposes.
If you are unable to get your password, email District’s IT Helpdesk with your name and club and the information will be emailed to you.
Go to the home page of this District Website, www.rotarydistrict9685.org.au Click on Login, located on the top right hand side of the homepage.
Then click on ‘Member Login’. This will take you to the Member Login page.
Enter your User name and password in the appropriate fields and click on the Sign-in button.
If your login has been successful, you will be re-directed back to the Home page.
You should see your name at the top right
The 'Member Area' tab provides access to the ‘members only’ pages where you will go to contribute to the site, email your members, change your profile, and much more.