A New Rotary Proposal
Regionalisation is a program being set up and will commence with a pilot program. This pilot program is proposed for Rotary Zone 8, which includes Australia, New Zealand, American Samoa, Cook Islands, Fiji, French Polynesia, Kiribati, New Caledonia, Norfolk Island, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Timor Leste, Tonga and Vanuatu.

2. Regionalisation Update February 2024 - Rotary Community Leaders (RCL)
You will all now be aware of the Rotary Community Group your club is part of, which is very exciting. Next step is finding a Leader for each of our Communities, someone to support those clubs and encourage a wonderful future for Rotary in our area.
So look around your own club and see who is a likely candidate.
Details are on this web page – scroll to the bottom for the Position Description.
Specialists and Portfolio Committees
Other club support will come in the form of Specialists and Portfolio Committees, and both are now recruiting.
What is YOUR Rotary specialty?
What is your professional specialty?
Where is your Rotary experience centred?
What do you dream of getting involved in?
Don’t keep it all to yourself - use this opportunity to share what you know. Details at both the links below:
For more details or information:
- Check out the Regionalisation web page https://creatingtomorrowrotary.org/ or
- Talk to the Regionalisation team – DGE Niranjan, DGN John, PDG Kalma, PDG Mina, PDG Bruce.
And have YOUR say at rotaryregionalpilot@gmail.com
To view the two recent emails regarding Regionalisation, click on the links below:
- DG Christine Owen’s email about Rotary Community Groups (RCGs) Information, click HERE.
- Pilot News Update - Your next role in Rotary awaits!, click HERE.
D9685 Regionalisation Chair