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There is a wealth of information on the Rotary International website covering topics like:

  • President and President Elect resources 
  • Club Assessment
  • Membership resources, incl. PowerPoint presentations
  • Presentation templates
  • Rotary club committee resources & manuals
 Download Resources

Rotary's Humanity in Motion public service announcements for television, radio, print, Internet, and billboards focus on Rotarians' volunteer efforts to address critiical humanitarian issues.  Clubs and districts have used PSAs in myriad ways, from ads on buses to a lighted display on the British House of Commons
Humanity in Motion

Embed videos from the RI YouTube channel on club and district Web sites in minutes using this resource
RI's YouTube

Rotary clubs and districts create a wide range of print publications, Web sites, electronic newsletters, signage, and other materials to communicate with a variety of Rotarian and non-Rotarian audiences. The design and format of these materials vary greatly, based on the purpose of the communication as well as cultural considerations. To foster a professional and more cohesive visual identity for Rotary worldwide, guidelines have been developed for clubs and districts on the proper use of the Rotary name and emblem, along with the names and logos of RI and Rotary Foundation programs and the design of print and electronic communications.
RI's Visual Identity Guide

Rotary Images
is a photo library containing thousands of images of extraordinary projects, programs, and Rotarians from around the world. Photos can be downloaded, free of charge, and used to enhance your club's Web site, print publications, and public relations efforts.
Rotary Images 

Rotary in Pictures
is an annual series of CDs containing inspring images of people, places, and projects
Rotary in Pictures

The Rotarian is the official magazine of Rotary International and is circulated worldwide.
Read past issues of The Rotarian

The Rotarian Video Magazine is a DVD series that showcases Rotary Club projects and programs.  Each issue (3 a year) features three to four short video stories.  Annual subscriptions are available.
Rotary Video Magazine
This Matching Grants site is a private initiative by PDG Philippe Lamoise, of the Torrey Pines Rotary Club in D5340, to help the clubs and districts worldwide to do matching grants with The Rotary Foundation.
Matching Grants 

ProjectLINK is a searchable database listing Rotary club and district projects in need of funding, volunteers, donated goods, and/or partners for a Rotary Foundation Matching Grant, and model projects that can be used as examples of best practice.

The goals of Potential Rotary Leaders Seminars (PRLS) is to provide a set of training sessions wherein current and future Rotary leaders could learn to become more effective in their leadership roles.

The Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) is a multi-district, grassroots leadership development program of member districts organized into regional divisions in various parts of the world.

Rotary International website's Service and Fellowship pages contain a host of good information on starting a project and funding it
RI website

Matching Grants Projects - Our District's project suggestions
Go to the District page 


Matching Grants - worldwide The goal of this website is to facilitate communications between Rotarians looking for projects to finance, and Rotarians looking to finance their local projects.


Go to the listing 

The Guide to Matching Grants is well worth studying.

The Matching Grants Application Form may be downloaded here
Download the Guide

Application Form

Rotary offers a variety of newsletters to help keep Rotarians and those in the family of Rotary informed about Rotary and the programs they're interested in.
See them all

Get Rotary International news as it happens delivered to your personalized Web news reader or club home page through the RSS news feed.  It is useful for Club Bulletins.  It works well with Internet Explorer, Microsoft Outlook, etc.  Or you can get a weekly update emailed to you.
Read about it

The Our Foundation newsletter is one of the monthly features of the Rotary Global History Fellowship.  You can also subscribe to it.
Go to the archive

Rotary International's policy documents include the Constitutional documents, the Rotary Code of Policies, and the Manual of Procedure
View RI's Policy Documents

Rotary Training Talk is a monthly e-mail newsletter.  Rotary Training Talk seeks to keep subscribers informed about the latest news in RI training, including information on mailings, relevant Board decisions, and training tips.  It is highly recommended for all interested Rotarians, as well as trainers.
See more information and previous issues here
 Subscribe now

Goods & Services Tax (GST) Where a non-profit organisation is registered or required to be registered for GST, the price of most sales of goods and services and anything else will be inclusive of GST. Similarly, the organisation may be entitled to claim GST credits on the purchases it makes in carrying out its activities.
Tax basics for non-profit organisations

Goods & Services Tax (GST) When a non-profit organisation undertakes fundraising activities, the related transactions may be subject to goods and services tax (GST). There are, however, concessions that may be applied to the organisation’s fundraising activities, while others will help the organisation meet its GST obligations.
Goods and services tax - Fundraising